Welcome to Maisemore Gardens....... 

Welcome to the community website for Maisemore Gardens, which has been set up to gather together all the elements that make this such a wonderful place to live.  Although mainly aimed at existing residents, we hope that it will be a great way to show off where we live, to keep in touch with former residents and to help people who are considering moving here.

To browse the content of this site please view the TABLE OF CONTENTS

Latest ......

Maisemore resident, James Leeming, is on an epic cycle ride from the southern border of the USA starting at Antelope Wells, New Mexico and finishing in Banff, Alberta, Canada. His route follows The Great Divide Mountain Bike Route a distance of over 3,000 miles, taking between six and seven weeks. This is a link to his tracker, which shows his current position (note that it is borrowed from his cousin and therefore named Emma Mather).
https://share.garmin.com/JOGJK  If anybody wants to get the daily update via WhatsApp, they should contact Jo at No. 63.

Click HERE to see a selection of photos from James Journey

Latest Newsletter May 2024  Download HERE

Draft minutes of the 2024 AGM can be downloaded in the Members' Section

Maisemore Gardens Shorecam.

The view South south east  over a part of Chichester Harbour.

Click on the image to open the live "Shorecam" in a new window


February 2024 Newsletter HERE

Summer Newsletter 2023 with latest plans for Natural England shore path here August 2023 HERE


In the About Maisemore Gardens section, you will find plenty about the design and development of the estate and the way that it is managed as a limited company owned by the residents.  The Council of Management (CoM) link sets out the management philosophy and introduces all the Council members and their roles and responsibilities.  There is also a Members' section, which has some resources such as lists of equipment and skills that people are willing to share, reviews of service providers that people wish to recommend (or warn about), details of residents who are willing to loan any equipment, tools or skills and also minutes from AGMs and the Company's annual accounts.. Access to  the members section is via the Login page. To obtain a username and password please EMAIL your request stating your house number and name.

However, the main thing that makes the Gardens special is the community.  The archive section provides lots of memories of past events, many organised by the Friends of Maisemore Gardens whose recent and upcoming events can be found in their own section.  In the Latest News Section, you will find announcements and newsletters (older versions of which are in the Archive.)

Maisemore gardens also has a Community Facebook group, which is the better platform for more immediate communication.  It is only for current residents – apply to join via the link below.

You can find much more about Emsworth on Emsworth Online, the community website.

About Maisemore Gardens


Council of Management






 Friends of Maisemore Gardens


Latest News





Copyright © 2024 Maisemore Gardens Ltd All Rights Reserved.
MaisemoreGardens Ltd Company No. 00714547

Website Design: 
Emsworth Online
Updated:  Friday, 19 July 2024