New Members Welcome Letter

Maisemore Gardens Ltd
Council of Management 2020

Welcome to Maisemore Gardens


Maisemore Gardens is a 1960’s development of 74 dwellings at the western edge of Emsworth, adjacent to a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB).

The aim of the developers was to nurture community living in a garden environment with as much open space as possible.


To ensure that Maisemore Gardens would be safe from future piecemeal development, the houses are leasehold (999 years originally) but significantly, all leaseholders have equal shares in ownership of the estate freehold embodied in Maisemore Gardens Ltd. Effectively this gives all members security of tenure and direct influence on the management of the Company.


Your solicitor should have guided you through the Lease and the By-laws and it is advisable that you have these documents available for reference. You should also have a Certificate of Membership of Maisemore Gardens Ltd, which confirms your voting rights of one vote per household.


The estate is managed by the elected Directors of the Company, The Council of Management (CoM), who control the annual revenue stream levied on members for the maintenance of the infrastructure, according to the wishes of the community as expressed at the Annual General Meeting. This enables developments to be discussed, general and strategic decisions to be made and sets the annual levy including the ground rent.


Maisemore Gardens has matured in many ways. Some people have lived here from the beginning, some have moved within the estate, some have returned and others regret leaving. You may wish to join with interest groups such as gardening, sailing, reading and the visual arts, or even to promote an interest of your own. A ‘Friends of Maisemore Gardens’ group  organises highly successful social events.


Architecturally there is a quality of unanimity in the facade of each terrace which creates an impact greater than the number of individual houses. This, together with the generous open spaces like the central green make Maisemore a coherent visual statement which is unique in this area. To maintain this quality, any proposed alteration to the buildings or the environment has to be approved by the CoM. Before you do anything relating to your property, be it external or internal, you must consult the CoM via the Secretary with your idea in order to discuss the appropriate next stages of procedure, which will include the approval of your neighbours.



We hope that you will enjoy being a part of our community 



Frequently  asked questions-  everyday knowledge.


Parking   Car parking can be a source of friction and the terms of the lease prohibit the parking of trade vehicles and caravans on our drives. Whenever and wherever possible cars should be parked in members’ garages, or on their drives. Members owning larger vehicles are encouraged to use off site secure facilities.


Rubbish  -  Collection day by Havant Borough Council is Thursday.

Wheelie-bins Recycle (green top) alternating weeks with General  Rubbish  (Black top). Put your bin out before 0800 at the kerbside.  Members should put their bins out of sight as soon as possible after collection.


Garden rubbish.  Bin or bag collection on Wednesday by arrangement and an extra  fee. Contact HBC.  A drive-in HBC tip at Broad Marsh open daily from 0900.


Central Green.  Residents’ small children (under 11) are allowed to play on the green. Visiting children must have the permission of an adult resident.  Adults are encouraged to use the seats, walk about  or sit on the grass.

Children should be made aware that the approach drives and garage areas (between No’s 25 – 26 and behind No’, 70-74 ) are  NOT public play spaces.


Pets.  Members owning pets should take every reasonable precaution to ensure that their pets do not cause any nuisance to members. There are excellent walks on the foreshore and in the woods.


The  website.  We have established a website- which details information on the legal and social aspects of Maisemore Gardens Ltd and also holds information on the wider locality. To access the members section of the site which is  a password and user name are required, please contact the website manager to acquire them.


Visible additions.   Aerials should not be fixed to the front elevation of a property or  in any position so as to protrude above the skyline. Solar panels should not be visible from the far side of the road .


Footpaths. Most terraces have a footpath across the rear gardens, gated between properties. They are used infrequently, but have a necessary Right of Access.  They are used infrequently but are there so that residents can take  bins from their back gardens to the front on collection days. These paths provide a “right of way” for adjacent neighbours in the same block.  These rear paths should be regarded as exclusive to the properties that they serve and the occupants are responsible for the condition of the paths. (See The By-laws Para. 1.3)


Beach Gate.. Each household should have a key to the beach gate which is alongside the dinghy park. Please remember to keep the gate closed.


Dinghy Park.  Only dinghies, canoes and other small craft belonging to members are allowed and spaces are allocated by negotiation as space is limited. Keys are only held by boat owners. (Contact Andy Maxted No.14)


Any queries, please do not hesitate to contact any current director.,

Chairman: Christine Richardson (47) Secretary: Vacant Treasurer:  Martin Gibbet(51)   Estate Infrastructure :Martin Price (20) Gardens Sarah Harrington (65)   Deputy Treasurer: Suzy Daniels (8)   Communications: John Watt (42)   Dinghy Park Organiser : Andy Maxted (14) – co-opted    Mike Austen (62)– co-opted


Download the Welcome Letter








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MaisemoreGardens Ltd Company No. 00714547

Website Design: 
Emsworth Online
Updated:  Friday, 19 July 2024